Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Club Penguin Field-Ops Mission 3 Cheats!

The new Field-Ops mission #3 for the week of June 28 is now here!

Mission description:

"Calling all agents!

We've detected an old PSA Spy Phone lost near a "large light bulb". It must not be found by Herbert!

Search the island for the phone, then destory it by overloading its circuits. We're counting on you!"

Let's begin!

Step 1. Click on your blinking red Elite Spy Phone, and report to the Elite Penguin Force Command room.

Step 2. Click on the Field-Ops T.V. screen.

Step 3. Click "Accept Field-Op"

Step 4. Open your Map and go to the Mine Shack. Enter the Underground Mine.

Step 5. Now, enter the Cave Mine.

Step 6. Walk up to the big light bulb.

Step 7. Click on your ringing Elite Spy Phone.

Step 8. Click "Engage".

Step 9. Solve the puzzle; Click on the red dots with other red dots to see if they match. If they do match, it will turn green.

You have finished the Field-Ops mission! You have earned a medal!

With these medals, you can buy Elite Gear! Each item is worth a certain amount of medals.

Next week a brand new Field-Ops mission will be ready! Yes, next week - these are weekly missions!

-Cena12121, www.TeamClubPenguinCheats.blogspot.com

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