Three words were all that speech needed to be:
Drill, baby, drill!Instead, we get exactly the opposite.
Our Lord and Savior Barack Hussein Obama lectures the American people on the need to reduce our dependency on foreign oil yet lays out a plan to do just exactly the opposite.
Obama went to Washington’s Georgetown University to outline what he calls a “Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.”
The president said his goal of slashing oil imports is reasonable, achievable and necessary for protecting U.S. economic security.
“When I was elected to this office, America imported 11 million barrels of oil a day,” said Obama. “By a little more than a decade from now, we will have cut that by one-third.”In the words of Joe Wilson: “You lie.”
This is a regime that has done nothing to expand domestic drilling and production of coal, oil and natural gas, despite overwhelming evidence that we have bountiful natural resources. In the wake of the BP oil spill, all leases for any drilling in the Gulf of Mexico have been held up, despite an order from a federal judge to begin reissuing those leases.
In fact, the Obama Regime has looked the other way while the ChiComs drill in the Gulf, and now courtesy of Obama Himself, the U.S. taxpayer will be financing Brazilian oil exploration and drilling to the tune of $2 billion.
The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Brazil’s planning minister confirmed that White House National Security Adviser James Jones met this month with Brazilian officials to talk about the loan.
The U.S. Export-Import Bank tells us it has issued a “preliminary commitment” letter to Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion and has discussed with Brazil the possibility of increasing that amount. Ex-Im Bank says it has not decided whether the money will come in the form of a direct loan or loan guarantees. Either way, this corporate foreign aid may strike some readers as odd, given that the U.S. Treasury seems desperate for cash and Petrobras is one of the largest corporations in the Americas.And, Dear Leader, after consulting the U(seless) N(itwits) instead of Congress and the American people, commits to U.S. military involvement in Libya to guarantee the free flow of oil at market prices — for Europe.
Billions for Brazil. American blood for Europe. But not one red cent for the American people.
Worst. President. Ever.
Experts in the energy field are questioning just what it is the regime intends to do:
Eric Smith, who is associate director of the Tulane Energy Institute at Tulane University in New Orleans, said the moratorium on new drilling imposed after last year’s accident, as well as new regulations, have slowed energy development, in spite of what the president says.
“He points to the things like an increase in permits for shallow-water drilling without making the point that shallow-water drilling does not produce oil, it produces gas. Deep-water drilling produces oil. He points to seven permits being issued. In fact there were six permits issued and these were only for wells that had been started before the impact of the moratorium,” he said.The point is: all Obama cares about is pushing his green energy agenda: wind and solar coupled with electric cars and mass transit.
Typical of an elitist. Electric putt-putt cars can go about 40 miles before having to be recharged. Translated: living where you want to live and working where you want to work are a thing of the past. That in turn will force people to relocate to the urban areas to live near where they work. Then Obama and Ray The Hood can push the choo-choo on them. After all, one of their primary goals is to force trains, a 19th century means of transportation, on the American people.
Back to the future.
Recall this piece of Red State’s Erick Erickson that appeared in Human Events, which we linked to here, as to why the steep increase in energy prices is intentional and why Obama has no intention on doing anything to reduce them:
There are two reasons gas prices must go up. The first is to get people into coal powered cars. Coal powered cars can only be driven around 40 miles before they must be plugged back into the grid for more coal power. If everyone moves to coal powered cars, the drivers will be forced to live closer to cities.
Living closer to cities will increase urban density and decrease the supposedly anti-environmental impact of strip mall exurban utopias. In the liberal reorganization of society, only farmers should live in rural areas.
Once urban density is increased to European levels, then Barack Obama and the left can finally make a viable case for high-speed rail. There are, after all, two things high-speed rail supporters admit they need for viability: (1) high urban density and (2) high gas prices. Hmmm . . .And as we wrote, there may be an even more ominous intent: control of the people.
See, it is not a conspiracy on Barack Obama’s part. There is no secret. This President and those he surrounds himself with actively want high gas prices. They either do not care or are oblivious to the fact that high gas prices will wreak further havoc on the economy.
It also fits in with the global agenda of the U(seless) N(itwits). Something called Agenda 21. Sustainable communities. All centralized global planning aimed at limiting the freedom of liberty of the Great Unwashed to come and go as they please. The automobile gives Americans freedom. Crisis-created mass transit takes it away and puts Americans at the mercy of the central planners who can then regulate their every movement.Remember what Rahm Emanuel, the former White House adviser recently elected as Chicago’s Mayor said:
Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before.It is a frightening concept to be ruled by power-hungry individuals who look at a crisis as little more than an opportunity to radically change America and in the process extend the powerful grip of the rulers over the people.
By The underground conservative
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