Wednesday, May 4, 2011

This or that survey

1.Natural or heavy makeup?
 I don't like natural makeup even for the most beautiful natural woman in the world,i think this is the reason why i don't like that much Angelina Jolie-because she is too natural.
 I don't mean by heavy makeup tons of powder,i don't like that,i just use foundation,but i like very contoured eyes and lips.

2. High heels or flats?
 For sure high heels,i wear them since i was 13 years,at 14 years old i already had 12 cm . I think they are very sexy and....comode. When i wear flats i have head ache lol ,i don't know why..... but when i have a lot to walk,of course i wear something flat.

3.Long or short dress/skirt?
 I love long dresses,i never wear short dresses or mini skirts,i think they look cheap and not very elegant (of course not all) but it's not my style. I might have photos in short dresses,i don't remember but i don't wear them in public.

4.Hot or beautiful?
 I definetely prefer beautiful because the world is full of hot girls but just a few are really beautiful. Exemple: Britney Spears who is hot (for men...i guess) and Aishwarya Rai who is beautiful...I can't think at Aishwarya as a hot woman,i think about her as a beautiful woman and i can't think about Britney as a beautiful woman (even though she is pretty) but she's hot. I see Aishwarya as a goddess and i see Britney as another woman with big boobs.

5. Night or day?
 I'm not a night owl but if i have to go somewhere (without a car),i prefer to go when is a little dark because i hate when people is looking at me so i feel like i'm hiding in the dark. But i never go out alone without a car in the night. Security is very important for me and i don't like to risk. I also like the sunny days..

6.Inside or outside?
I'm a totally inside person,even when i go in vacation,i still stay in the house and i prefer the windows closed .

7. Face or body?
 Faceee...most of the people when they call a person beautiful they refer the most about the body,i never look at the body,i always look at the face ,i call a person beautiful if she/he has a beautiful face. For me the body does not express too much: 2 legs and 2 hands...

8.Quiet or load?
Absolutely quiet,i'm not compatible with load people

9.Kiss or hand holding?
I looove hand holding with a man...i think that's the moment when i start loving him loool

10.Friends that lie or enemies that pretend to be your friends?
Friends that lie,i have lots who lie but i don't have a problem with that.I always know when they are lying to me ..i think they are not enough confident to say the truth,so why should i get mad? It's their own problem with themselves.

11.Comfortable or elegant clothes ?
Same as makeup,i don't like anything that is not special or too simple, comfortable clothes if you wear them daily,it make me to think you just woke up and you took what you found the first in your wardrobe.I don't like this style. I am for elegant -day and night.

12.To talk or to listen?
To listen but people got used with that and they forgot to listen also

13.Driver or passenger?
I am made  to stay in the back of the car and somebody to drive it.

14.Red or white wine?
I prefer white wine , the red one is too strong and anyways i always have it at home because we have vine and we produce it. White wine is sweeter,perfect for my tastes.

15.Fire or ice?
Fire is fascinating but i'm afraid about a possible fire in the house or burns on my body,so i prefer ice. By the way,did you know if you put your tongue on the deepfreeze,it can stick  there? :D i tried it

16.Girls or guys as friends?
I prefer guys as friends,i really have a good relationship with them ,they are more honest,they are not envious and they do not compete.....but the best friends are girls- i know is hard to find one...

17.Pizza or pasta?
  I love both and i always eat both ,italians eat them everyyy day but there is a problem when also on Christmas day you still eat pasta :( -italians do it :(

18. Worker or housewife?
 I have old views about that. I think everybody should do whatever they like ,even working as a man but God did not make the woman to be as a man,but He made her to be a woman. So,the man should be the one who brings the money and the woman should take care of the kids first. I don't understand the rich families where the mother goes to work  even though they don't need another salary. They prefer to leave their kids with a stranger and go to work instead of educating their kids and sharing their love.
 I also think women should be protected and for me a man who sends his wife at work is the most rough man in the world.(if they have enough money).
 I will choose to work (as long as i don't have kids-i don't know after) but with a single condition -anything i do ,to do it with passion and because i like it not because everybody goes to work so i should do the same. I mean i choose work because it can be fun and you can develop your hobbies.

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