Sunday, January 30, 2011

weekend activities

We've been pretty good at doing fun stuff over the weekends lately.

The other weekend the Mr. and I headed into the city to go ice skating in the park. At first it sounded like a great idea - after all I used to be good at ice skating as a kid. But when counting I realized it was approx. 25 years since skating around the ice...

... I was useless at it. And terrified. But it was hilarious! The Mr. succeeded better than myself getting around the ice I have to admit.

I, on the other hand, managed to fall over whilst standing still, which surely is an achivement not everybody manages! :-)

 After skating, laughing and falling over (me at least) we went to "Sky Bar" and had a chili coctail before heading home. Perfect ending to a perfect day.

We also went to see the Modern Dance Theatre "XPSD" over a weekend. Quite frankly I thought it was bad, but still it was fun to see. To compensate for all the fine art that evening we had a stroll through town afterwards, and stopped off at McDonalds to have a big Mac...

... One needs balance in life!

This weekend we visited the Museum of Technology. Their exhibition about NASA and spaceships newly opened, and it was really interesting. After the exhibition we went to a little wok place and had lovely supper before heading home.

It's nice to pretend to be a tourist in your home city!

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