Tuesday, November 18, 2008

vintage clothing

I would like a whole new wardrobe. Shoes, trousers, dresses, tops... You name it - I want to throw all my stuff out and replace it with new stuff!

Today I looked into that damn wardrobe of mine and despite it being full of clothes I found nothing - and I mean NOTHING - to wear.

So I ended up putting on this top/tunic that I bought 1995 in Benetton (I remember it vividly as I was working there at the time). As soon I walked to work I felt a bit uncomfortable. And in the first meeting of the day one girl said something about me wearing an "unusual top".

In the second meeting for the day (oh and there were plenty of those today) my boss said "you look rather funky today" and when I laughed she said "funky like a shild minder" with a big smile on her face. And I tell you - she nailed it! Absolutely! I looked like a funky childminder, ha ha!

So now that top is going. I've cleared out loads of old clothes that I've kept for sentimental reasons or for the simple fact that they still fit and look in good condition.

So please Santa - can I have a new wardrobe for Christmas, or at least the money to buy myself one?

Oh, and Tylor loves the baby pram by the way. Bless him.

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