Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm back online!

One fine evening this very week I was in the midst of writing an email to my brother when my computer decided to die. My faint hope of being able to fix the computer soon turned into a hysteric tantrum and then moved on to a feeling of despair.

I have a fantastic friend who knows computers, and despite not liking to ask friends for favours I finally picked up the courage to ask him for help. And he did...

The guilt was undescribable as he phoned me a couple of days later to tell me my computer was buggered and he would have to work quite a bit more on the damn thing (my words, not his). Bloody damn pile of shit-computer!!! (Again, my words, not his). It's a necessary piece of evil which has given me hassle for nearly 5 years now. And now all I could think was that I had made MY problems to be HIS problems and that is not what you do to friends. But I had.

I started thinking if there was anything I could ever help him with. To say "well, if you ever need help with xxx, just give me a shout! I owe you a favour big time", but I couldn't think of anything that I know that he doesn't. (And don't get smutty and seedy now and start suggesting dirty stuff. I'm quite serious here!)

Well, the kindness doesn't even stop here. My brother phoned this afternoon and said "why don't you take my laptop until you get your computer back?"

So here I am, writing on a iBook Apple laptop. I'm back online! Yippie!!

(And because I know both of you wonderful people mentioned in this blog reads this - I would like to say THANK YOU! I am, when I think of it, quite good at baking cakes!)

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